What We Have

We are all more blind to what we have than to what we have not.”

-Audre Lorde

These are trying times, right? Very reminiscent of an Octavia Butler or Orwell novel, indeed! Life as we know it has come to a halt, and finding toilet paper is as rare as using a metal detector to find gold in the sand. Posts about government conspiracies, apocalyptic prophesies, along with presidential leadership that is anything but hopeful or reassuring, can all wreak havoc on anyone’s mental health and well-being. I get it! Yet, there is plenty we can all do to curve the spread of COVID-19 while staying sane. I know you’ve read the posts about exercising, picking up a new or old hobby, taking walks, cooking & eating with family, and getting back to the basics. Well, yeah, that is exactly what we can do! Besides giving to a reputable charity or medical organization (if you’re able), improving yourself should be a top priority right now. Not only will you benefit but those around you will benefit as well. I am someone who battles with anxiety, and when this all began my mental health and clarity was a wreck! Here is what I did to change that:
1 . Called my mom (some of us no longer have this as an option, however, if you do, call and check in on your mom!) watch and see how much better you feel after.

2 . Cut back on social media & the news. Most posts & news cycles are sensationalizing what is happening, placing opinions & theories where facts should be, and basically scaring the hell out of people! Cut it! Pick and choose who you listen to and how often. Go to reputable sites, and silence some of your followers for a while. Better yet, put your damn phone down.

3 . Put my phone down?!? Yes, and pick up a book! You know all those books that are on your TBR list? They’re calling your name right now! Hop to it.
4 . Meditate. Damn, this is such a life saver for me. I don’t do it as often as I should but when I do, I feel 100% better, mind, body & spirit. Meditation can be prayer, quiet moments, reflections, whatever you deem it to be. There isn’t one set way to meditate. An app I learned about & recommend is called Calm. Love it! They also have sleep stories, too! Short stories told by various narrators to help calm & quiet your mind for a restful nights sleep. Or check YouTube for some videos you may like.
5 . Yes, exercise. Not only will you feel better, it’s good for your health. And right now, staying healthy is a top priority for everyone! Exercise can be anything from a calm walk, jog, run, circuit, or make-up your own thing. Just try to move your body as much as you can. Not only does it increase your endorphin levels but also brings mental clarity, reduces stress & anxiety, & boosts your immune system. It’s all about the immune system, baby! (Say that to the beat of “It’s all about the Benjamins”) You’re welcome.
6 . Eat well. As best as you can, eat well. Fresh fruits & veggies. Learn about some herbs you can take and herbal teas you can make to improve physical and mental health. Follow some of those who give free recipes and info online all the time. Here are a few people I find give plenty of accurate information: Ty’s Conscious Kitchen: (YouTube/FB), Crush Foster & Kelly Keelo: www.ahealthycrush.com), Aqiyl Aniys: I follow him on FB, and I have bought both of his books, which are filled with a wealth of knowledge. Blended Abode for their great, easy, & healthy recipes (YouTube/FB). I recently found this younger gentlemen named BoBo Cooks who I’ve started following on IG. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t say: www.drsebiscellfood.com, FB, and IG pages, which is where all of these people’s foundations began.
7 . Do something you’ve always wanted to do but never really had the time. Whatever it is, just do it. Whether it be spending more time with family. Catching up on some TV shows/movies, writing, finishing a project, reconnecting with an old friend. Now is the time. Do it!
We can focus on the negative and what we have lost or make the best out of what we still have. It’s about perspective. Oh, don’t forget to wash your damn hands and stay your a—in the house. Thank you, from everyone.
Peace & Love, good people.
Verde Arzu

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